GSEG Executive Board 2024-2025

Melanie Hilman
Makyla Boyd (she/her)
Nandan Tumu (he/him)
Damilola Lawal (she/her)

Social Programming Chair

Maggie Brown (she/her)

Departmental Groups

Departmental Groups are student groups that represent constituents pertaining to a certain degree-awarding program at SEAS.

The Graduate Association of Bioengineers (GABE) serves as the formal representative body of graduate bioengineering students to the Bioengineering Graduate Group and the University Administration. It also serves to promote academic and social interaction among graduate bioengineering students. 

Chemical Engineering Graduate Assembly (ChEGA)

ChEGA aims to sponsor academic and social events of interest to the graduate community of the CBE department; organize programs to enhance the quality of graduate student life; and monitor issues of importance to the graduate community of the CBE department. 

Materials Science Graduate Org (MatGO)

MatGO is a student-run committee striving for the success and well-being of Materials Science and Engineering graduate students through community-building, resource-sharing, advocacy, and empowerment.


Mission Statement coming soon!


Mission Statement coming soon!


Mission Statement coming soon!


Mission Statement coming soon!

The Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association (MEGA) is a student run organization focused on enriching the academic and social experience within the department and the greater university community. To this aim, MEGA sponsors student activities, arranges seminars and lectures, selects representatives to serve on various campus wide student organizations, and serves as a liaisons between students and faculty.


Our mission is to improve the student experience by creating a dynamic and immersive social environment that accelerates personal and professional growth. We aim to connect students with diverse backgrounds and skill sets through networking events and social gatherings, igniting a spark that sparks creative collaboration and innovation. Just as a robot needs various components to work together seamlessly, we believe that students thrive when they can build meaningful connections with each other. We are committed and dedicated to addressing concerns and providing support to students in their academic lives, whether it's connecting them with resources or helping them find solutions to problems. While we prioritize academic excellence and continuous learning, we recognize that unwinding and having fun is essential for a well-rounded student experience. Our events are designed to be both engaging and informative, helping students level up their technical skills while also enjoying themselves. We are dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive space where all students can come together to socialize, network, and party like robots!

Biotechnology Student Association (BSA)

The Biotechnology Student Association (BSA) is the coordinating student body charged with representing all students enrolled in the Master’s in Biotechnology program in the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at the University of Pennsylvania. BSA monitors issues of importance to the student community; sponsors academic, cultural, and social events of interest to the student community; and organizes programs to enhance the quality of student life.


Mission Statement coming soon!

Integrated Product Design Student Government Association (IPDGA)

Formed in 2015, the Integrated Product Design Student Graduate Association (IPDGA) serves as a means of formally representing the interests of Integrated Product Design graduate students. Dedicated to organizing programs to improve the quality of students’ experience and building connections between students, alumni, and faculty, it hosts academic, career, and social events for the IPD student community and beyond.

Student Groups

Student Groups are extra-departmental, interdisciplinary engineering student groups, brought together by a shared interest. Anyone can join and partake in their activities!


Mission Statement coming soon!


Mission Statement coming soon!

Want to start your own student group?

See our Student Group Guidelines to learn more!